Nurture Your Wild Fertility

Sending love to all of you hoping or currently trying to conceive. This is for you.

How many years of your life did you spend preventing and possibly fearing pregnancy? Until we’re ready, we go to great lengths to control our fertility. Over 72 million women in the US go so far as to suppress the natural and beautiful symphony of hormones with hormonal contraception.

And suddenly, we make an abrupt shift. 

We’re ready to flip the switch and unleash our wild fertility! Our m.o. pivots from contraception to conception. Perhaps because we’re used to controlling our fertility, we think “If I can prevent pregnancy, surely I can kick it into gear.” Perhaps because we’ve been made to believe our fertility is capricious, it’s frustrating when it takes months or years of trying. Our fertility is wild, and it also requires nurturing and patient care. 

If you’ve already pivoted and are trying to conceive, I see you. It’s never too late to balance your hormonal symphony, to optimally nourish and prepare your whole being to grow another. 

It’s also never too early to care for your fertility. If possible with forethought, create space for self-nurturing before you want to start trying; 3-4 months out is good and 6-8 months out is even better. If your menstrual cycle has given you clues* that fertility may require extra attention, 12-24 months is a great place to start. With this time to prepare, you give yourself grace and spaciousness.

There is so much we can do to prepare our bodies for fertility:

  1. Transition off of hormonal birth control at least 6 months before trying to conceive.

  2. Dial-in your nutrition so that all body systems are optimally functioning and you’re ready to support nutrient-intensive pregnancy.
    Some general tips:
    - A good quality prenatal isn’t a bad idea, but in most cases this is not enough.
    - Support your liver.
    - Hydrate!

  3. Assess your personal risk factors to make any other necessary dietary and lifestyle modifications. These clues* include PCOS, amenorrhea, endometriosis, thyroid dysfunction, and more.

By creating space to nurture your wild fertility, the journey can be smoother and more peaceful. Whether fertility is somewhere in the distant horizon or you’ve been trying to conceive for some time, schedule your free consultation to discuss how to best prepare yourself through strategic nutrition and lifestyle choices. You may be surprised to know we also talk about how how to reduce stress around food and make these adjustments easy. A personalized nutrition assessment is both an excellent first step before, as well as an important complement to, fertility treatments. 


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