Top 10 Low and No-Prep Satiating Snacks

Use this as inspiration and hone in on the snacks that will work best for you. Some of these snack ideas require no prep at all and some involve mixing a few ingredients in a bowl, just be sure to have them on hand when hunger strikes.


1. Hard boiled egg and olives

2. Hummus and roasted veggies
roast a little extra anytime you're making roasted veggies and save the leftovers

3. Bean dip and Mary's Gone seed crackers
pulse black or pinto beans with sea salt, a little ghee or grass-fed butter, and cumin

4. Raw or lightly toasted almonds or walnuts

5. Sliced avocado and cucumber sprinkled with Trader Joe’s everything bagel spice


1. Organic whole milk yogurt with sesame seeds and ground flaxseeds

2. Berries, almonds and toasted unsweetened coconut chips

3. Sliced apple or pear with cinnamon and raw or lightly toasted walnuts

4. Roasted beets or sweet potato in coconut oil, topped with pecans and hemp seeds

5. Mashed banana with almond butter, vanilla, cacao nibs and ground flaxseeds


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